Recipe feeds approx 4 pax An easy recipe that you can tweak the sweetness and taste to your personal liking! This can be adapted to a baking tin or casserole too. Apple Filling4 Granny Smith green apples200g brown / castor…
15 Sep 2021
Afternoon Tea Party Set
This tea party set under RM100 from is a steal! Made from high quality wood, you have a full tea party spread with cutleries too. Each piece is interactive. Cut, serve and decorate! Plus, they all fit inside a beautiful wooden picnic box so cleaning up is a breeze.
3 Sep 2021
Bamboo Dividers
More organisation ideas for you. Introducing to you – Drawer dividers! They are a great way to compartmentalise everything you have in your drawer space. Not just that, these bamboo dividers are aesthetically pleasing too! So, get these bamboo organisation…
2 Sep 2021
Folding Trolley
This folding trolley (7″) is helping us with grocery shopping! I wanted one in black and he wanted a polka dot initially, so camouflage was a good compromise 😆 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Su Yen…
1 Sep 2021
Bedsheet Hack
Life-changing bedsheet hack! If your fitted bedsheets isn't fitting your bed perfectly you need to know this exists ❤️ Wake up to your bed looking like you never slept in it!

We purchased our home in 2019. Without an ID hire, we sourced our contractors, materials and did our own DIY home projects...