This has been a favorite of many of my friends. Thus, thought of sharing the recipe I’ve taken and tweaked it to how I like it best. Plus, this is a very simple recipe to follow and make.

- 250g butter
- 400g sugar (you may reduce if you don’t want it too sweet)
- 4 eggs
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 1 tsp salt
- 70g cocoa powder ( add more if you like it very chocolatteeeeyy)
* if you don’t have cocoa powder you can melt a whole bar of dark chocolate instead. If you like it really chocolat-ish, add both powder and chocolate bar. - 100g flour ( the lesser flour you put, the more dense your brownies will be)
*by adding baking powder, it will make it more moist, so add 1/2 tsp of it if that’s how you like it. If you like it really dense, skip it. Topping: Whip cream until it is stiff, then add in cream cheese and a dash of ICING sugar.
*add mascarpone if you like, or choc. Other suggestions are: nuts, oreo, crushed digestive biscuits or anything that you love.
- Mix melted butter and chocolate.
- Add in sugar, then eggs, salt, vanilla essence
- Add in flour and cocoa powder
*you can add in nuts, oreo, crushed digestive biscuits or anything that you love. - Line your baking tin with baking paper and put the mix into it
- Bake for about 15-20mins or till its ready 😀
- Once cool, add topping and leave it in the fridge for an hour or so.
*brownies get yummier overnight 🙂
With this as a basic recipe, remember you don’t have to get all the measurements right. Tweak it if you have to and go crazy with it by personalizing it to your taste! 🙂 Enjoy baking and oh, please drink lots of water too?!