Christopher, my colleague was on leave for a period to recover from an operation. Coincidentally it was going to be his birthday too. So Maureen, the office manager decided we should post and surprise him with a card. After seeing what I did for Helen recently, she asked if I would do one for Chris. That came the opportunity to do a Happy Birthday / Get Well Soon card, something that will allow each one in the office to write a message in it. I did not know Chris very well, but I knew he loved typography and his style of designing has always been very minimalistic.
As I sat in the living room making this with no real direction to go with besides that thought, this slowly took form.

If you need a ring binder, but have none I would recommend making full use of unwanted hoop/stud earrings 🙂 I am very use of loosing a side of my earrings and not knowing what to do with them. This is one way to make full use of them. The good thing about using hoop earrings is not having to punch a hole through your papers. Just poke the papers and string them through!
Plasters are a great way for a get well soon message
Chris send an email today to say that he has received the card and was so SUPRISED as he has kept his birthday and age a secret in the last 15 years of working! I love how the company is starting a culture of remembering one another’s birthday.
Another thing I learnt is sharing what you can do (your talents of any kind) with others, even if it means FREE LABOUR and doing EXTRA when you are busy enough. You don’t realize how those kinds of moments will open more opportunities to sharpen your skills and lead you to greater things ahead.
You can influence your workplace/uni/household and make another person smile with what you have in your hands! I can testify how many chances that have come by my way just from these moments, and this is just one of them. I have found my way of blessing people in my creativity by making things. Ponder, see what you can do, and go for it and just watch the many stories that would unfold from this!

A normal day at my workplace.. or sometimes pretending to be working 🙂 Love working in an environment with the guys- every day a blessing!