I would like to introduce my cousin, Andrew and his beautiful wife, Tiffany who are very lovely people and also two VERY big Domo lovers. When it came upon the time for them to make a very special announcement, this was how they announced to the public (*points below)
And changed their Facebook cover photo 🙂
Thus when they told me about the news, I could not help smiling. I woke up, sat on my bed and grabbed my laptop and this was what came out in the next few hours. I popped them a message and surprised them in the mail to congratulate them 🙂 They loved it!
I thought Tiff will probably be the one running with the diapers and Andrew would be busy chasing when its feeding time 🙂 we’ll see when the time comes At that time, Lil Moy was still a mystery and he or she… we did not know yet, thus brown seems a neutral color 🙂
Special credits goes to Jared and Lindsay for the lovely Domo sketches that I found online along with the other elements. Thankfully for these, they worked together really well with what I had in mind and put them together with Photoshop 🙂
Congratulations Andrew + Tiff!! Looking forward to October 🙂